Coffee & Croissants.

Featured, Storyteller

When Lisa reached out to me wanting to do a Storyteller Session, I couldn’t of been more excited. It’s always such an honour to be asked by another photographer to capture them. Lisa already knew what kind of shoot she was after – simply a typical Sunday morning captured around town and at their home, just her and her two kids Jamie and Callista. As a fellow mum and photographer I know all too well that dad’s get their fair share of nice photos with the kids, so it felt special that Lisa got to have be behind the camera for once and not always behind it.

At about 8 am I met Lisa, Jamie and Callista at their local coffee bar in town at Avalon. As soon as I turned up I knew this place did good coffee and was the local hangout. Nothing quite like a ‘hole-in-the-wall’ coffee shop in a random alleyway to let you know that they are in fact the best coffee in town. I grabbed myself a coffee too of course and got to work behind my camera. When I’m capturing Storyteller Sessions I like to let the scenes unfold naturally, I’m just like a fly on the wall – there but not necessarily in your face while still joining in the fun too.

The kids had fun drinking their babychinos and playing with the milk crates, hiding under them like little locked away prisoners. After coffee we walked to the local bakery which honestly smelt like a dream. We ordered pastries to go and took them back outside to enjoy. We wandered for a bit longer around town, letting the kids lead the way. We found cool walls and hung out at a closed brewery, letting the kids run wild for a little more.

We then decided to head back to their home to have some photos captured there. When I first arrived I was blown away by how incredible the house was and it’s stunning location. It was a beautiful mid-century home built in the cliffs overlooking the bays of Palm Beach. There wasn’t any real plans of what to capture at home, which was perfect so I got to capture real life as it unfolded. Naturally, the kids were hungry when they got home (not that they’d just eaten a whole pastry 10 minutes before!) so they ate leftovers from the fridge while they did some colouring in, jumping on the lounge and playing in their little teepee. Callista wanted to dance with mum, so they did just that and enjoyed mucking around in the lounge room and until we decided to head to Jamie’s room to read some stories and snuggle with mum in bed. 

We decided to end the session there as the kids were getting pretty tired. A successful morning if you ask me. I had so much fun hanging out with Lisa and her two little one’s. It felt so special to pass on photos of their real life that they will one day look back on with the fondest memories of spending quality time with their mum. To me, there is nothing more priceless than that.

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