The Gilberts were one of the very first Storyteller Sessions I did, and where my love for these types of sessions took off. After leaving this session I knew this was exactly where I wanted my business to go. It just felt so real and authentic and a special glimpse into the world of an individual family. The Gilberts live on a beautiful property in Grose Vale with a block that goes right down to a beautiful creek and gully. On the other side of the creek you come out to beautiful rolling hills of paddocks where they keep their horses.
We started the shoot by venturing down there, the kids Dylan and Neve couldn’t wait to show me their yabby trapping spots in the creek. We climbed falling tree branches, walked over bridges and found lots of beauty in the nature all around us. After pulling off a few leeches from our legs, we decided to leave the creek and head to the paddocks on the other side. The first thing I noticed was an incredible old Moreton Bay Fig tree. There was a hive of native bees in the tree, so we respectfully kept our distance while we played around it and said hi to the horses.
After eventually making it back to the house, we decided to finish up by getting some photos of the kids playing around the house – on the play equipment, the cubby house and the trampoline. It’s these little everyday moments that are the most special to look back on. Kids just being kids! What an adventurous two hours I had with the Gilberts – a session I will always be so grateful for.

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